Please begin by selecting a topic from the list below:

    Please select a topic

    [group security-deposits]

    I want to....

    [group security-deposits-calculator]

    The premises is rented....

    [group security-deposits-weeklyrent]

    My weekly rent is...


    s14. (1) Residential Tenancies Act
    The maximum Security Deposit is…

    [group security-deposits-monthlyrent]

    My monthly rent is...


    s14. (1) Residential Tenancies Act
    The maximum Security Deposit is…


    [group termination-notices]

    Notice is being served by....

    [group termination-notices-landlord]

    The rental agreement is being terminated for....

    [group termination-notices-landlord-standard]

    The premises is rented....

    [group termination-notices-landlord-nonpayment]

    The premises is rented....

    [group termination-notices-landlord-materialbreach]

    The premises is rented....


    [group termination-notices-tenant]

    The rental agreement is being terminated for....

    [group termination-notices-tenant-standard]

    The premises is rented....

    [group termination-notices-tenant-materialbreach]

    The premises is rented....



    [group termination-notices-tenant-standard-weekly]

    s18. (1) Residential Tenancies Act

    Seven Days

    Where the residential premises are rented from week to week the tenant is required to give at least seven days notice to terminate the rental agreement.

    A standard termination notice must:

    • Be in writing

    • Be given no later than the first day of a rental period

    • Contain the name and address of the landlord

    • Include the address of the rental unit

    • Include the section of this Act under which the notice is given

    • State the date on which the rental agreement terminates, and the tenant intends to vacate the rental unit, which must be the last day of a rental period

    • Be signed by the tenant


    [group termination-notices-tenant-standard-monthly]

    s18. (1) Residential Tenancies Act

    One Month

    Where the residential premises are rented from month to month the tenant is required to give at least one month notice to terminate the rental agreement.

    A standard termination notice must:

    • Be in writing

    • Be given no later than the first day of a rental period

    • Contain the name and address of the landlord

    • Include the address of the rental unit

    • Include the section of this Act under which the notice is given

    • State the date on which the rental agreement terminates, and the tenant intends to vacate the rental unit, which must be the last day of a rental period

    • Be signed by the tenant


    [group termination-notices-tenant-standard-fixed]

    s18. (1) Residential Tenancies Act

    Two Months

    Where the residential premises are rented for a fixed term the tenant is required to give at least two months notice if the rental agreement is being terminated ONCE IT EXPIRES.

    It is important to note that a standard termination notice cannot be used to end a fixed-term rental agreement early. Standard termination notices are only used during a fixed-term rental agreement to indicate that the landlord or tenant is terminating the rental agreement once it expires and comes to an end.

    A standard termination notice must:

    • Be in writing

    • Be given no later than the first day of a rental period

    • Contain the name and address of the landlord

    • Include the address of the rental unit

    • Include the section of this Act under which the notice is given

    • State the date on which the rental agreement terminates, and the tenant intends to vacate the rental unit, which must be the last day of a rental period

    • Be signed by the tenant


    [group termination-notices-landlord-standard-weekly]

    s18. (2) Residential Tenancies Act

    Four Weeks

    Where the residential premises are rented from week to week the landlord is required to give at least four weeks notice to terminate the rental agreement.

    A standard termination notice must:

    • Be in writing

    • Be given no later than the first day of a rental period

    • Contain the name and address of the tenant(s)

    • Include the address of the rental unit

    • Include the section of this Act under which the notice is given

    • State the date on which the rental agreement terminates, and the tenant is required to vacate the rental unit, which must be the last day of a rental period

    • Be signed by the landlord


    [group termination-notices-landlord-standard-monthly]

    s18. (2) Residential Tenancies Act

    Three Months

    Where the residential premises are rented from month to month the landlord is required to give at least three months notice to terminate the rental agreement.

    A standard termination notice must:

    • Be in writing

    • Be given no later than the first day of a rental period

    • Contain the name and address of the tenant(s)

    • Include the address of the rental unit

    • Include the section of this Act under which the notice is given

    • State the date on which the rental agreement terminates, and the tenant is required to vacate the rental unit, which must be the last day of a rental period

    • Be signed by the landlord


    [group termination-notices-landlord-standard-fixed]

    s18. (2) Residential Tenancies Act

    Three Months

    Where the residential premises are rented for a fixed term the landlord is required to give at least three months notice if the rental agreement is being terminated ONCE IT EXPIRES.

    It is important to note that a standard termination notice cannot be used to end a fixed-term rental agreement early. Standard termination notices are only used during a fixed-term rental agreement to indicate that the landlord or tenant is terminating the rental agreement once it expires and comes to an end.

    A standard termination notice must:

    • Be in writing

    • Be given no later than the first day of a rental period

    • Contain the name and address of the tenant(s)

    • Include the address of the rental unit

    • Include the section of this Act under which the notice is given

    • State the date on which the rental agreement terminates, and the tenant is required to vacate the rental unit, which must be the last day of a rental period

    • Be signed by the landlord


    [group termination-notices-tenant-special]

    s18. (8) Residential Tenancies Act

    One Month

    Where a tenant has their income reduced due to an illness the tenant, or other tenants in the rental unit, may terminate the rental agreement by providing one month notice to the landlord, along with evidence of the tenant’s reduced income.

    Where a person who has been providing financial assistance towards the payment of a tenant’s rent is no longer able to provide financial assistance the tenant due to ill health the tenant, or other tenants in the rental unit, may terminate the rental agreement by providing one month notice to the landlord, along with evidence of the ill health of the person providing assistance. A common situation in which this may arise is if a parent is helping to pay the rent of a student. Should the parent become ill, and no longer be able to provide financial assistance to the student, the tenant may terminate the rental agreement.

    If a tenant has an ill family member and decides to move in with the ill family member to help care for them the tenant, or other tenants in the rental unit, may terminate the rental agreement by providing one month notice to the landlord, along with evidence of the ill health of the family member.

    Where a tenant is admitted into a home that provides care for the aged as a permanent resident the tenant, or other tenants in the rental unit, may terminate the rental agreement by providing one month notice to the landlord, along with evidence of the tenant’s admission into the home or other facility.

    Where a tenant dies the administrator of the estate of the tenant, or other tenants in the rental unit, may terminate the rental agreement by providing one month notice to the landlord, along with evidence of the tenant’s death.

    A termination notice served for special circumstances must:

    • Be in writing

    • Be given no later than the first day of a rental period

    • Be accompanied by appropriate documentation

    • Contain the name and address of the landlord

    • Include the address of the rental unit

    • Include the section of this Act under which the notice is given

    • State the date on which the rental agreement terminates, and the tenant intends to vacate the rental unit, which must be the last day of a rental period

    • Be signed by the tenant


    [group termination-notices-landlord-nonpayment-weekly]

    s19. (1) Residential Tenancies Act

    Three Days

    If the rental unit is rented on week to week, the landlord can serve a termination notice once rent has been late for a full three days. The landlord must give the tenant at least three days written notice that the rental agreement is being terminated.

    It is important to know that rent is not considered “late” until the day AFTER it is due. If rent is due on the first day of each month, it is not considered late until the second day of the month. When counting the number of days that rent is late you would start counting on the day after it was due. It is also important to note that a notice cannot be served until the FULL grace period has gone by. For example, if rent is due on the first day of the month it would be considered “late” on the second. The last day of the five-day grace period would be the sixth day of the month, which means a termination could be served on the seventh.

    A termination notice served for non-payment of rent must:

    • Be in writing

    • Contain the name and address of the tenant(s)

    • Include the address of the rental unit

    • Include the section of this Act under which the notice is given

    • State the date on which the rental agreement terminates, and the tenant is required to vacate the rental unit

    • Be signed by the landlord


    [group termination-notices-landlord-nonpayment-monthly]

    s19. (1) Residential Tenancies Act

    Ten Days

    If the rental unit is rented month to month, the landlord can serve a termination notice once rent has been late for a full five days. The landlord must give the tenant at least ten days written notice that the rental agreement is being terminated.

    It is important to know that rent is not considered “late” until the day AFTER it is due. If rent is due on the first day of each month, it is not considered late until the second day of the month. When counting the number of days that rent is late you would start counting on the day after it was due. It is also important to note that a notice cannot be served until the FULL grace period has gone by. For example, if rent is due on the first day of the month it would be considered “late” on the second. The last day of the five-day grace period would be the sixth day of the month, which means a termination could be served on the seventh.

    A termination notice served for non-payment of rent must:

    • Be in writing

    • Contain the name and address of the tenant(s)

    • Include the address of the rental unit

    • Include the section of this Act under which the notice is given

    • State the date on which the rental agreement terminates, and the tenant is required to vacate the rental unit

    • Be signed by the landlord


    [group termination-notices-landlord-nonpayment-fixed]

    s19. (1) Residential Tenancies Act

    Ten Days

    If the rental unit is rented for a fixed term, the landlord can serve a termination notice once rent has been late for a full five days. The landlord must give the tenant at least ten days written notice that the rental agreement is being terminated.

    It is important to know that rent is not considered “late” until the day AFTER it is due. If rent is due on the first day of each month, it is not considered late until the second day of the month. When counting the number of days that rent is late you would start counting on the day after it was due. It is also important to note that a notice cannot be served until the FULL grace period has gone by. For example, if rent is due on the first day of the month it would be considered “late” on the second. The last day of the five-day grace period would be the sixth day of the month, which means a termination could be served on the seventh.

    A termination notice served for non-payment of rent must:

    • Be in writing

    • Contain the name and address of the tenant(s)

    • Include the address of the rental unit

    • Include the section of this Act under which the notice is given

    • State the date on which the rental agreement terminates, and the tenant is required to vacate the rental unit

    • Be signed by the landlord


    [group termination-notices-tenant-materialbreach-weekly]

    s20. (1) Residential Tenancies Act

    One Week

    If a landlord commits a material breach of the rental agreement the tenant must notify the landlord of the breach in writing and allow the landlord a “reasonable” amount of time to correct the problem. What is considered “reasonable” depends on the situation. If the landlord fails to correct the problem after being notified, the tenant may terminate the rental agreement.

    The tenant must give the landlord at least one week notice that the rental agreement is being terminated if the rental unit is being rented week to week.

    A termination notice served for a material breach of the rental agreement must:

    • Be in writing

    • Be given no later than the first day of a rental period

    • Contain the name and address of the landlord

    • Include the address of the rental unit

    • Include the section of this Act under which the notice is given

    • State the date on which the rental agreement terminates, and the tenant intends to vacate the rental unit, which must be the last day of a rental period

    • Be signed by the tenant


    [group termination-notices-tenant-materialbreach-monthly]

    s20. (1) Residential Tenancies Act

    One Month

    If a landlord commits a material breach of the rental agreement the tenant must notify the landlord of the breach in writing and allow the landlord a “reasonable” amount of time to correct the problem. What is considered “reasonable” depends on the situation. If the landlord fails to correct the problem after being notified, the tenant may terminate the rental agreement.

    The tenant must give the landlord at least one month notice that the rental agreement is being terminated if the rental unit is being rented month to month.

    A termination notice served for a material breach of the rental agreement must:

    • Be in writing

    • Be given no later than the first day of a rental period

    • Contain the name and address of the landlord

    • Include the address of the rental unit

    • Include the section of this Act under which the notice is given

    • State the date on which the rental agreement terminates, and the tenant intends to vacate the rental unit, which must be the last day of a rental period

    • Be signed by the tenant


    [group termination-notices-tenant-materialbreach-fixed]

    s20. (1) Residential Tenancies Act

    One Month

    If a landlord commits a material breach of the rental agreement the tenant must notify the landlord of the breach in writing and allow the landlord a “reasonable” amount of time to correct the problem. What is considered “reasonable” depends on the situation. If the landlord fails to correct the problem after being notified, the tenant may terminate the rental agreement.

    The tenant must give the landlord at least one month notice that the rental agreement is being terminated if the rental unit is being rented for a fixed term.

    A termination notice served for a material breach of the rental agreement must:

    • Be in writing

    • Be given no later than the first day of a rental period

    • Contain the name and address of the landlord

    • Include the address of the rental unit

    • Include the section of this Act under which the notice is given

    • State the date on which the rental agreement terminates, and the tenant intends to vacate the rental unit, which must be the last day of a rental period

    • Be signed by the tenant


    [group termination-notices-landlord-materialbreach-weekly]

    s20. (2) Residential Tenancies Act

    One Week

    If a tenant commits a material breach of the rental agreement the landlord must notify the tenant of the breach in writing and allow the tenant a “reasonable” amount of time to correct the problem. What is considered “reasonable” depends on the situation. If the tenant fails to correct the problem after being notified, the landlord may terminate the rental agreement.

    The landlord must give the tenant at least one week notice that the rental agreement is being terminated if the rental unit is being rented week to week.

    A termination notice served for a material breach of the rental agreement must:

    • Be in writing

    • Be given no later than the first day of a rental period

    • Contain the name and address of the tenant(s)

    • Include the address of the rental unit

    • Include the section of this Act under which the notice is given

    • State the date on which the rental agreement terminates, and the tenant is required to vacate the rental unit, which must be the last day of a rental period

    • Be signed by the landlord


    [group termination-notices-landlord-materialbreach-monthly]

    s20. (2) Residential Tenancies Act

    One Month

    If a tenant commits a material breach of the rental agreement the landlord must notify the tenant of the breach in writing and allow the tenant a “reasonable” amount of time to correct the problem. What is considered “reasonable” depends on the situation. If the tenant fails to correct the problem after being notified, the landlord may terminate the rental agreement.

    The landlord must give the tenant at least one month notice that the rental agreement is being terminated if the rental unit is being rented month to month.

    A termination notice served for a material breach of the rental agreement must:

    • Be in writing

    • Be given no later than the first day of a rental period

    • Contain the name and address of the tenant(s)

    • Include the address of the rental unit

    • Include the section of this Act under which the notice is given

    • State the date on which the rental agreement terminates, and the tenant is required to vacate the rental unit, which must be the last day of a rental period

    • Be signed by the landlord


    [group termination-notices-landlord-materialbreach-fixed]

    s20. (2) Residential Tenancies Act

    One Month

    If a tenant commits a material breach of the rental agreement the landlord must notify the tenant of the breach in writing and allow the tenant a “reasonable” amount of time to correct the problem. What is considered “reasonable” depends on the situation. If the tenant fails to correct the problem after being notified, the landlord may terminate the rental agreement.

    The landlord must give the tenant at least one month notice that the rental agreement is being terminated if the rental unit is being rented for a fixed term.

    A termination notice served for a material breach of the rental agreement must:

    • Be in writing

    • Be given no later than the first day of a rental period

    • Contain the name and address of the tenant(s)

    • Include the address of the rental unit

    • Include the section of this Act under which the notice is given

    • State the date on which the rental agreement terminates, and the tenant is required to vacate the rental unit, which must be the last day of a rental period

    • Be signed by the landlord


    [group termination-notices-tenant-uninhabitable]

    s21. (1) Residential Tenancies Act


    If a rental unit is no longer fit for habitation a tenant can terminate the rental agreement immediately. No advance notice is required.

    A rental unit can be made uninhabitable either due to lack of maintenance by the landlord, damage caused by the tenant, or an unforeseeable situation like a flood or fire. In most cases a residential premises can only be deemed uninhabitable by an “authority” such as a health or building inspector.

    A termination notice that results from a rental unit being unfit for habitation must:

    • Be in writing

    • Contain the name and address of the landlord

    • Include the address of the rental unit

    • Include the section of this Act under which the notice is given

    • State the date on which the rental agreement terminates, and the tenant intends to vacate the rental unit

    • Be signed by the tenant


    [group termination-notices-landlord-uninhabitable]

    s21. (2) Residential Tenancies Act


    If a rental unit is no longer fit for habitation a landlord can terminate the rental agreement immediately. No advance notice is required.

    A rental unit can be made uninhabitable either due to lack of maintenance by the landlord, damage caused by the tenant, or an unforeseeable situation like a flood or fire. In most cases a residential premises can only be deemed uninhabitable by an “authority” such as a health or building inspector.

    A termination notice that results from a rental unit being unfit for habitation must:

    • Be in writing

    • Contain the name and address of the tenant(s)

    • Include the address of the rental unit

    • Include the section of this Act under which the notice is given

    • State the date on which the rental agreement terminates, and the tenant is required to vacate the rental unit

    • Be signed by the landlord


    [group termination-notices-landlord-tenantobligations]

    s22. (2) Residential Tenancies Act

    Five Days

    If a tenant fails to keep a rental premises clean or fails to repair damage they have caused, that their guests have caused, or that was caused through the tenant’s neglect the landlord may serve the tenant with a written notice that the premises must be cleaned up and damages repaired.

    If the tenant fails to comply with the request within three days after receiving the notice, or within a reasonable time in the circumstances, the landlord may terminate the rental agreement. The landlord must give the tenant at least five days written notice that the rental agreement is being terminated.

    A termination notice that results from a tenant’s failure to repair damage they cause or keep a rental unit clean must:

    • Be in writing

    • Contain the name and address of the tenant(s)

    • Include the address of the rental unit

    • Include the section of this Act under which the notice is given

    • State the date on which the rental agreement terminates, and the tenant is required to vacate the rental unit

    • Be signed by the landlord


    [group termination-notices-tenant-peacefulenjoyment]

    s23. (1) Residential Tenancies Act

    Five to Fourteen Days

    If a landlord is interfering with the peaceful enjoyment or reasonable privacy of a tenant, the tenant may provide written notice to the landlord that the rental agreement is being terminated. The tenant must move out of the rental unit between five to fourteen days after providing notice to the landlord.

    A termination notice served for interference with peaceful enjoyment or reasonable privacy must:

    • Be in writing

    • Contain the name and address of the landlord

    • Include the address of the rental unit

    • Include the section of this Act under which the notice is given

    • State the date on which the rental agreement terminates, and the tenant intends to vacate the rental unit

    • Be signed by the tenant


    [group termination-notices-landlord-peacefulenjoyment]

    s24. Residential Tenancies Act

    Five Days

    If a tenant is interfering with the peaceful enjoyment or reasonable privacy of the landlord, or other tenants in the same residential complex, the landlord may terminate the rental agreement. The landlord must give the tenants at least five days notice that the rental agreement is being terminated.

    A termination notice served for interference with peaceful enjoyment or reasonable privacy must:

    • Be in writing

    • Contain the name and address of the tenant(s)

    • Include the address of the rental unit

    • Include the section of this Act under which the notice is given

    • State the date on which the rental agreement terminates, and the tenant is required to vacate the rental unit

    • Be signed by the landlord


    [group termination-notices-tenant-familyviolence]

    s26. (1) Residential Tenancies Act

    Thirty Days

    If the safety of a tenant or their children is at risk because of family violence the tenant may apply to Service NL for permission to terminate their rental agreement early if they need to leave the abusive situation. This only applies to a fixed-term rental agreement.

    To terminate a rental agreement for this reason the tenant must apply to Service NL for a certificate first and give the landlord a copy of the certificate with the termination notice. The tenant must provide the landlord with at least thirty days notice that the rental agreement is being terminated.

    A termination notice served because of family violence must:

    • Be in writing

    • Be accompanied by a certificate from ServiceNL

    • Contain the name and address of the landlord

    • Include the address of the rental unit

    • Include the section of this Act under which the notice is given

    • State the date on which the rental agreement terminates, and the tenant intends to vacate the rental unit

    • Be signed by the tenant
